Entropia V2 Rug

Entropia V2 Rug


A hand-made runner rug, hand-woven on a floor hand-loom using two warps. Made from the highest quality of thick pure new undyed British wool in natural shades of greys in textured bold blocks and a vivid white stripe on both sides.

In every step of the production the ‘Zero Waste Design’ principle has been followed, aiming to decrease to the minimum yarn waste and unnecessary cuts, carbon footprints, the use of machinery, water and electric energy. The environmental impact is being considered at all the stages of the design, the making process, and also at the packaging of this item.

Note: This item is made to order and can be customised in terms of colour and dimensions.


Dimensions: Approx. 80 x 165cm
Material: 100% pure new undyed natural British wool
Colour: Light & Dark Earth Grey
Clean & Care: Hand-wash in cold water, low spin cycle, flat dry, steamed iron in low temperature. Gentle brush with a wool comb.
Lead Time: 6–8 weeks. Lead time may be shorter or longer depending on the volume of the order.
Delivery: Charge included in item price to mainland UK. See Delivery if outside mainland UK.

Place an Order:

Please contact us to discuss your requirements and we will prepare a full quotation and advise current lead times.

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